
By setting up SMS messaging you can communicate with customers via SMS messaging and send automated appointment reminders and other notifications.

In this article

Enabling SMS Messaging

Enabling SMS Messaging

You will need to enable and setup SMS messaging before you can send and receive text messages from your account.

Begin by navigating to “Messaging” in the dashboard side bar menu. Near the top of the page, click the button labelled “Enable SMS” and confirm that you wish to setup SMS messaging for your account.

Contact Support

Due to changes in how Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging is being handled by several countries, the ability to choose phone numbers and complete the setup from within the dashboard has been removed. To proceed, you will now need to contact us at, and ask for assistance with completing the SMS setup for your account.

The regulations vary by country, but often times we will need to ask you to provide certain business registration information and submit a regulatory compliance package to the relevant regulators on behalf of your shop. Upon approval, a localized number will be provisioned and attached to your account, with which you will be able to send and receive SMS messages. Processing times vary depending on country. More specific information will be provided on request.