
Velodrop can be used to track and organize special orders for your customers.

In this article

Creating orders
Attaching an appointment

Creating Orders

To create a new special order navigate to “Order” in the dashboard sidebar menu. From this page you can search for existing orders or create a new order by clicking the "Create" button or by clicking the “+” button to the right of the sidebar menu item.

The Order Form

The form to create a new order contains three sections that are as follows:

  1. Customer
  2. Order Details
  3. Other Information


In this section you can create a new customer or select from a list of existing customers. Just begin typing the customers first and last name, and the application will begin sorting through a list of customers already in the database. A drop down input will appear below the customer’s name containing relevant matches. Browse the list and simply click the “Select” button to select an existing customer, or proceed without selecting to create a new customer on form submission.

Either a valid email address, or a valid phone number for the customer is required. It is not recommended, but if you really need to book an appointment for a customer with no contact information, you can do so by entering a dummy address in the email field, just be sure that it is not a real email address so not to spam anyone with appointment reminders and notifications. For example, you could use something like "noreply@example.com".

If the customer consents to receive notifications via SMS text message, ensure that the phone number given is an SMS enabled mobile phone and that the “Send notifications via SMS” toggle is set to “Yes”

Order Details

The “Item“, “Quantity“, and “Vendor” fields are required. The other details can be added and edited after the order has been created.


Select the vendor that will be fulfilling the warranty claim from the select box. If you can’t find the vendor you are looking for, you can create a new vendor directly from the form by clicking on the button labelled “New” on the right side of the vendor input. A modal will popup with a form to create a new vendor. The vendor will be added to the warranty claim automatically when the new vendor form is submitted.

Attaching An Appointment

After an order has been created, you can further organize and track your work by attaching it to an associated appointment. From the Edit Order view, if an open appointment already exists for the customer, you can select it from the dropdown input located in the section labelled "Attach To Appointment", or create a new appointment by clicking the button labelled "New".

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